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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Planting Beds

The OEC contains several formal and informal planting beds that can be utilized for investigations, reflections or large-scale plantings by any teacher.  Formal gardens include the Rachel’s Challenge garden which highlights the importance of acceptance, and the Rose garden situated across from the pond offering an excellent spot to observe and reconnect.  Informal planting areas have provided tilled soil for projects including Earth day projects, elementary school visitations and plantings and vegetable gardens. 

The OEC planting beds provide valuable square footage for teachers.  The spaces provide a variety of sun and watering exposures making almost any type of planting an option.  Possible teaching topic include but are not limited to; sustainable farming practices, soil and pest management, vegetable gardening, plant anatomy and growth, and irrigation techniques. 

Please enjoy the following selections of photographs.

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