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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Percent Solutions

Acetic Acid and Corn Growth:

Making Percent Solutions

Students in seventh grade science classes had the opportunity to use the greenhouse at the OEC to explore the impacts of acetic acid on the growth of field corn.  This multiple week experiment involved many steps and visits to the greenhouse.  Students first visited the greenhouse and planted field corn in conetainers.  After the field corn had germinated and grown to approximately 10 cm the student were ready to conduct the actual experiments.  Student used measurement tools to create 4 different percent solutions of acetic acid (0 %; 3%; 6%; and 9%).  These student created solutions were then applied to the field corn once per week for approximately 4 weeks.  Growth and physical changes in appearance were meticulously measured and recorded.  The students then graphed and analyzed the data and came up with conclusions based in experimental facts.  

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