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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Building the Journey Garden

Journey Garden

During the 2016 – 2017 school year the Outdoor Environmental Center (OEC) at Woodmere Middle School was awarded a $5000.00 grant from Suny Polytechnic Institute and the New York State School Board Association (NYSSBA) for winning the 2016 “Be the Change Award.”  The grant money was used to purchase the hardscape components and living materials needed for the creation of a journey garden that has transformed the OEC into a seamlessly connected environmental experience.  The journey garden contains stepping stones and creeping thyme to create a meditative walking experience.  In addition, student created clay molds will be added every year to commemorate the continuing evolution of the OEC and WMS. 

Please enjoy the following selection of photographs showing

the design and creation of the journey garden. 

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