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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Websites of Interest

School Sends Kids To Meditation Instead Of Detention, With Amazing Results

Target Unveils Adaptive Halloween Costumes For Kids With Disabilities 7/2019

Learn Social Skills ~ Friend zone kids


Most kids with learning disabilities learn in general Ed classrooms, but...

What is RTI? And why do they want to put my kid in it?

Your Kindergartener’s Social Skills Matter More Than Their Academics

{IEP Timelines} Answering the parent questions: How long does the school have to….?

The New ADHD Device: What Experts Are Saying

What Are Some of the Causes of Aggression in Children?

Are IEPs just for academics? {Spoiler Alert: No!}

What is ODD ` Opositional Defiant Disorder

How to fix your child's IEP

»» ORDER OUT OF CHAOS - Executive Function Skills

Organizing Consultants • ADHD Specialists • Coaching Services

»» 2e TWICE-EXCEPTIONAL Newsletter

The newest booklet in the Series, Writing and the 2e Learner, might help your struggling writer! Subscribe to their newsletter, order their booklets.

What is 2e?  Maybe you know a bright child who seems lazy — a child who just never seems to work up to his or her potential. Some gifted children have learning difficulties that make it hard for them to display their true abilities. Children who are gifted in intelligence account for three to five percent of all children. Of those, however, as many as one-fifth may have some kind of learning difficulty — estimates vary greatly.

One common term for these children is GT/LD — gifted and talented/learning disabled. Another — one that encompasses a broader range of problems that affect learning – is twice exceptional, or 2e. This term refers to the fact that this group of gifted children are exceptional both because of their strengths and because of their limitations. Coupled with high intelligence, these children also may have one or more learning disabilities, attention deficit, autism spectrum disorder,  emotional or behavior problems, or other types of learning challenges. 


"When a child is struggling, the whole family is affected. At the Child Mind Institute we want to help you make good decisions for your kids and navigate the challenges of parenting. We explore the concerns and challenges we hear about most from parents and provide expert guidance on how to respond in the most effective way. And if you have a child who needs support, we offer resources that can help you get the best care for that child and the best outcome for your family."

»» PRUFROCK PRESS ~ Special Needs Learning News

Offering a free download from the book School Success for Kids with Dyslexia. 

»» AUTISM SPEAKS Transition Tool Kit

The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit was created to serve as a guide to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.

»» A PARENTS GUIDE to Gifted Teens: Living with Intense and Creative Adolescents

This book is designed to help parents understand their gifted adolescent's intensity and excitability, and provide tips for nurturing self-discipline, being supportive without being controlling, and for caring for yourself while guiding an intense, creative teen.

»» CHADD LIVE ~ Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/HyperActivity Disorder


Quote from the website: CHADD - A Non-Profit Organization

"Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), is a national non-profit, tax-exempt (Section 501 (c) (3) ) organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with AD/HD. In addition to our informative Web site, CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications and treatments affecting individuals with AD/HD. These materials include Attention! magazine, the CHADD Information and Resource Guide to AD/HD, News From CHADD, a free electronically mailed current events newsletter, as well as other publications of specific interest to educators, professionals and parents."

»» DAVIDSONS DISCUSSIONS ~ Specific to Gifted Students

Davidson Discussions delve deeper into information and topics specific to parents of profoundly gifted students who seemingly experience the same issues time and time again. These videos, posted on the Davidson Institute's YouTube channel, are a current and fresh way for the Davidson Institute Family Consultant team to share their experiences of working with this unique population of students during the past 12 years. The latest episode provides tips to help parents communicate with teens. Davidsons Institute

»» DYSLEXIA ~ Barton Reading & Spelling System

Dyslexia is the most common reason a bright child will struggle with spelling, writing, or reading. But it affects many other areas as well. This is a great tutoring system for children, teenagers, or adults.


"E-Books Directory is a FREE web resource which contains links to free downloadable e-books, technical papers, documents, as well as user contributed content, articles, reviews and comments. E-Books Directory is a service to students, researchers and e-book lovers."  The best reason to check this out is because an E-book can be read aloud with a text-to-speech program!

»» SPECTRUM U ~ colleges that work for students on the autism spectrum

Finding a school for the "Differently-Brained"

This site is a collection of information on college and university programs and services for students who are “on the spectrum” – high-functioning autism and Asperger’s, but also similar issues such as non-verbal learning disability (NVLD), PDD-DOS and, well, just a bit quirky (maybe a lot quirky!).

If you’re here, you’re probably a young person (or his/her parent) trying to figure out where to go to college. Here, you’ll find profiles of what’s offered at more than 200 different schools (and feedback from people who have direct experience at those schools), plus other information:

LEARN ~ a guide to choosing a school, and other information sources for families and students planning for college. CONNECT ~ organizations, forums, and mailing lists to join up with others facing similar issues
THRIVE ~ get the skills you’ll need to dealing with common obstacleshow to work with your college to get what you needprofessional support options, and stories of people who have “been there, done that.”