Join Special Education PTA
Welcome to the SEPTA Home Page
To become a member of SEPTA or to donate through Memberhub, click HERE
SEPTA Membership Form 2024-25
**Annual Membership Dues: $10.00 per family**
***Per National PTA Policy, membership includes one adult and all children in the schools***
$4 of dues go to NY State PTA, making you a member of NYS PTA & eligible for benefits of NYS PTA members.
Please return this form to your child’s school (in an envelope marked SEPTA) with cash or check made payable to SEPTA. You can also join SEPTA online using SEPTA MEMBER HUB at:
What is SEPTA?
SEPTA (Special Education PTA) is a districtwide PTA unit open to EVERYONE in the community, focusing on advocating and supporting children with a wide range of learning styles and abilities. SEPTA supports children who receive accommodations through a 504 plan, special education services through an IEP, and students who require enrichment (Twice Exceptional or Gifted). This includes programs and related services such as resource room, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and/or counseling, as well as the Discovery program.
What Does SEPTA Do?
- Provides information, support, and advocacy to families and teachers
- Sponsors recreational and enrichment programs as well as scholarships for students
- Offers informative forums throughout the school year
- Holds monthly board meetings sharing updates on relevant changes in special education
Why Join SEPTA?
- To have a powerful voice in your child’s education
- To connect, support, and share ideas and information
- To learn about topics relevant to educating our children
Check out our informative links and resources on the website and join our Facebook page at
Hewlett-Woodmere SEPTA to find out about upcoming events.
Want to make a donation to SEPTA to keep our program vibrant?
Visit the Member Hub link or send in your donation with your membership dues.
Our email address is
Michelle Morgan and Jamie Link, Co-Presidents Adrienne Gupta, Membership & Donations