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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Transition Assessment

The transition process is designed to help your son or daughter move smoothly to adult life. This process formerly begins when your child reaches age 14. However, at age 12, a Level I vocational assessment which is made up of a student, parent and teacher questionnaire is completed. Transition planning is part of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and will be reviewed and updated each year. The transition process focuses on your son or daughter’s interest and abilities in developing a plan for the future.

Please note all links in red will allow you to complete the questionnaire online

Transition Assessment for Student

Click here to download the high school student document 

Transition Assessment for Parent **Parents please note you can either print out a copy, complete and send back to Michelle Kinhackl Transition Coordinator G.W. Hewlett High School 60 Everit Avenue Hewlett, NY 11557 or we have added an option to complete the questionniare online and it will be automatically emailed to the Transition Coordinator. If you are interested in this option please scroll down and you will see a link  highlighted in red.

Click here to download the Parent Form  

Transition Assessment for Staff Click here to download the staff document  

If there are any questions about any of the assessments please feel free to call Michelle Kinhackl, District Transition Coordinator at 516-792-4161 or email at