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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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State Agency Information

Information and links to State Agencies    
As of Summer 2013 OPWDD changed their procedure on how they establish eligbility for individuals with developmental disabilities as well as access services.
 It is now called The Front Door   I have attached the link to the dates and registration as well as course materials to learn more. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the process  

Web Links to information on accessing services through NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Some web links can be translated.

Office for People with Developmental Disabilities Logo

NYS Developmental Disability Regional Offices (DDROs) are responsible for

the following activities:

* eligibility

*  intake

* waiver enrollment (a Federal-State partnership which makes certain types of services

*available within the home or community so as to avoid placement in an institution)

* local management of Individual and Community Supports (ICS)

* management of resources for crisis intervention

* advocacy

* shared management of OPWDD statewide applications

* service recruitment and development for the Family Care program

* programs, services and supports for aging individuals with developmental disabilities

Getting Started: Eligibility Important Facts on Eligibility for Services

Eligibility and Intake - OPWDD Eligibility CoordinatorsEligibility for services is determined by the Developmental Disabilities Regional Offices. (DDROs). Contact the Eligibility Coordinator of the Regional Office representing the county in which the individual/family lives.

Determining Eligibility - Locating Testing/Assessment Services


Eligibility Questions and Contacts

The Front Door:

The Front Door strives to Improve the way people find out about OPWDD and available service options; better connect individualsf needs to service options; and give people as many opportunities as possible to direct their own use of services.

Opening the door to individual and person centered possibilities

When does the Front Door open?

Resource Booklet

Announcement: Good News!! The Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) has officially changed its name to the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Link to OPWDD's website   OPWDD helps people with developmental disabilities  live richer lives.

The Vision Statement of OPWDD is for people with developmental disabilities enjoy meaningful relationships with friends, family and others in their lives, experience personal health and growth and live in the home of their choice and fully participate in their communities.

OPWDD is the agency that students with developmental disabilites apply to while they are still in high school to be eligible for services for when they graduate and age out of the school district. A transition meeting is coordinated with the family when the child turns 15 and the the process is explained and permission is given by the parent to submit a transmittal form along with the student's documentation ( IEP, Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social history) to the Long Island Developmental Disabilites Regional Office (LIDDRO). The packet is reviewed and determined if the student meets eligibility. Once deemed eligible there are services that families can take advantage of prior to the student graduating high school and are listed on the Family Support Grant List.

Click here for the Family Support Grant List     Click here for the Medicaid Service Coordinator Vendor Listing has launched a YouTube channel to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The channel currently showcases a self-help video about the site's confidential prescreening tool, the Benefit Finder. A YouTube account is not required to view the videos, but if you have an account, you can subscribe to the channel and receive emails when new videos are posted.    Social Security Disability Help

Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES-VR). Link to ACCES-VR's Website Please see attached link for transition brochure for ACCES-VR     ACCES-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services). ACCES provides vocational rehabilitation services to eligible individuals to prepare them for employment. ACCES skill training includes on the job programs, job coaching services, trade schools, college and university programs (tuition reimbursement depending on need), vocational assessments, counseling and career planning and job placement services to find suitable work. ACCES works with individuals who have varied levels of disabilities and is a lifelong service that allows you to take advantage of at anytime. Our districts ACCES-VR counselor is Nina Lomangino. she will meet virtually with interested graduating students and is also able to virtually meet with parents of juniors who would like further information 2020-2021 ACCES-VR dates are being coordinated on an ongoing monthly basis due to the virtual nature of the appointments with students and parents:   For students who are interested  please contact Michelle Kinhackl, District Transition Coordinator at 792-4161 or stop by her office in the Pupil Personnel Department in G.W. Hewlett High School  for an appointment to be arranged as well as an application completed.  Please note that meeting with the ACCES-VR counselor in no way obligates you to use their service; it is just an introductory meeting. Click here for a parent brochure on ACCES services Click here of the Spanish Version of the ACCES brochure _______________________________________________________________________________  

Office of Mental Health (OMH)  

The SPOE application is the application to receive case management services as an adult in Nassau County through the Office of Mental Health   To apply for Adult Case Management/ACT Teams:
              Single Point of Entry (SPOE)  
               SPOE Coordinator               
               Nassau County Department of Mental Health
               60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd
               Uniondale,  NY 11553
               (516) 227-7057           Fax: (516) 227-7087   Click here for the link to the SPOE application Click here for the SPOA Referral Form From the Office of Mental Health     Click here for an overview of the Mental Health Services offered through Nassau County Click here for the Transition Planning Guide for Youth with Emotional Disabilities       The Mental Health Association of Nassau County  is a great community resource   For further questions regarding these agencies and how to apply for services please contact Michelle Kinhackl, District Transition Coordinator at 516-792-4161 or