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District Offices (Woodmere Education Center)
Main District Number......................................................(516) 792-4800
District Fax Number..............................................................(516) 792-4481
After 4:00 pm or in an emergency.............................(516) 374-1999
Ralph Marino, Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools: (516) 792-4800
Dr. Dina Anzalone, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning & Technology: (516) 792-4894
Charles Carollo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Personnel: (516) 792-4803
Dr. Susan Farber, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Student Support Services: (516) 792-4804
Barbara Giese, Executive Director of Communications, Community Services, Registration & Grants: (516) 792-4810
Kim A. Parahus, Director of School Facilities and Operations: (516) 792-4805
Mike Losco, Interim Director of Health, Safety and Security: (516) 792-4819
Andrew Fund, Ed.D., Director of Art and Music: (516) 792-4808
David Viegas, Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics: (516) 792-4022
Elaine Fenick, Human Resources Administrator: (516) 792-4801
James Igoe, Business Administrator: (516) 792-4809
Michelle Rosenthal, Food Services Director: (516) 792-4018
Attendance/Registration: (516) 792-4826
Campus Patrol/Security/Emergency: (516) 374-1999
Department of Community Education and Services: (516) 792-4863
Transportation: (516) 792-4814
Please click the school name to be directed to the contact information page on each school site.
Franklin Early Childhood Center (FECC)
1180 Henrietta Place, Hewlett, NY 11557-1100
Lorraine Smyth, Ed.D., Principal: (516) 792-4601
Amy Pernick, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4620
Caroline Bormann, School Nurse: (516) 792-4610
875 Longview Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11581-2822
Nicola Lynch., Principal: (516) 792-4701
Robert Machado, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4720
Pamela Griffin, School Nurse: (516) 792-4710
Hewlett Elementary School (HES)
1570 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557-1406
Heather Sosnovsky, Principal: (516) 792-4501
Reina Hall, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4520
Elizabeth Mullen, School Nurse: (516) 792-4510
1170 Peninsula Boulevard, Hewlett, NY 11557-1224
John J. Andruzkiewicz., Principal: (516) 792-4301
Dr. Richard Mangeri, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4320
Lorraine Bromley, School Nurse: (516) 792-4310
George W. Hewlett High School (HHS)
60 Everit Avenue, Hewlett, NY 11557-1224
Alexandra Greenberg, Ed.D., Principal: (516) 792-4100
Samantha Mazzeo, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4121
Thomas Naglieri, Assistant Principal: (516) 792-4122
Janice Nolan, School Nurse: (516) 792-4110
Department Chairpersons
Business Education: Mr. Joseph Virgilio (516) 792-4028
English Language Arts: Ms. Michele Hochhauser: (516) 792-4382 (MS); (516) 792-4044 (HS)
Guidance (6-12): Mrs. Mary Harrison: (516) 792-4031
Mathematics: Ms. Kimberly Milan-Thompson (516) 792-4379 (MS); (516) 792-4053 (HS)
Science: Dr. Brian Terry (516) 792-4382 (MS); (516) 792-4115 (HS)
Social Studies: Dr. Jennie Yi (516) 792-4382 (MS); (516) 792-4052 (HS)
World Languages: Dr. Nicole Montellese (516) 792-4027