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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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High School

The curriculum at the High School is designed to prepare students to meet the standards established by the New York State Department of Education for Grade 9 Global History and Geography 1 , Grade 10 Global History and Geography Two, Grade 11 United States History and Government and Grade 12 Participation in Government and Economics.  Students in Grade 10 will be required to take the Regents Examination in Global History and Geography Two.  Students in Grade 11 will be required to take the Regents Examination in United States History and Government.  Students in Grade 10 can satisfy the requirements for Global Two by enrolling in A.P. World or A.P. European History.  Students in Grade 11 can satisfy the requirements for U.S. History and Government by enrolling in A.P. U.S. History.  Students in Grade 12 can satisfy the requirements for Participation in Government by enrolling in  A.P. U.S. Government or A.P. Comparative Government.  Students can satisfy the requirements for Economics by enrolling in A.P. Macroeconomics.