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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Hewlett-Woodmere Public School District administers the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measure of Academic Progress Growth (MAP Growth) in Mathematics to students in kindergarten through grade eight a minimum of twice a year. Information from the NWEA is more important than ever. This accurate picture of your child’s strengths and weaknesses will enable teachers to make more informed instructional decisions in order to meet the unique needs of your child. Parents will receive their child's Student Progress Reports after each administration.  The resources to the left can help you assist your child as they progress through the curriculum. 

NWEA Map Accelerator (Grades 3-8) 

Based on your child’s NWEA score, a learning profile will be built on Khan Academy that will provide individualized instruction. This will allow for remediation and enrichment of instruction being taught in the classroom. This is a new addition to the NWEA platform and will provide differentiation for our community of diverse learners.

Khan Academy Mappers (Grades K-2)

Click here to access practice questions and videos for mathematics that connect a student's RIT score to the standards