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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Elementary Mathematics


Elementary Math Program Information

TERC Investigation is an inquiry-based mathematical approach to teaching and learning. Students actively explore math concepts in an effort to develop understanding and math fluency. Students collaborate, investigate and engage in problem-based learning. The students do this through student-centered activities that foster mathematical discussions where students explain and justify their reasoning. 

Resources for Investigations

Math Words and Ideas      
English             Spanish

Digital resource that provides an overview of the year’s mathematics work.  It provides a closer look at the ideas and the kinds of problems students encounter, examples of student solutions, and questions that students and families can talk about together.  Most Daily Practice and Homework pages in the Student Activity Book include a correlation to the Math Words and Ideas.  

Game Center   English             Spanish
Digital versions of most of the games (including directions and recording sheets) in the Investigations curriculum.  On the top right, you can select Espanol for Spanish editions.

Math Tools
English             Spanish

Digital tools that can help students complete content in the Investigations curriculum.  On the top right, you can select Espanol for Spanish editions.

Online Student Workbooks

Kindergarten:    English              First Grade:       English             Second Grade:  English   

Third Grade:      English              Fourth Grade:    English             Fifth Grade:      English

IXL Skill Plans 
The links below show the IXL skills that can be practiced for each Investigation Unit.

          1st Grade         2nd Grade          3rd Grade         4th Grade          5th Grade

Investigations At-Home Resources

These are collections of activities that can help reinforce mathematics at home.  Families are encouraged to complete these activities together.

Addition and Subtraction K-4          English             Espanol

Multiplication and Division 2-5       English             Espanol

Measurement K-5                               English              Espanol

Geometry K-5                                       English              Espanol

Counting K-2                                         English             Espanol

Fractions and Decimals 2-5              English              Espanol

Data K-5                                                 English              Espanol

Online Student Account Access - Classlink

Students can login and access the resources below as well as any assignments that may have been assigned by their teacher.  The login information is the same as what students use to log onto the computers while in school.     Important Note: Google Chrome is the recommended browser for Classlink.  If you do not have it, please download it here.  If the above link is unable to load, please click here and enter the login information, as well as the word Hewlett in the third line.   IXL Math
Each student has login information to be able to access practice questions on grade-level by standard.   Khan Academy
Work on the skills you choose at your own pace.

Math 4 Children Plus
Students can find games, worksheets with answer keys and quizzes by grade-level and topic.

Math Games
Math games to help students practice skills.