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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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ELA Grades PK-2

Teachers understand that learning how to read is a complex process. The complexity of this process is illustrated by the graphic below. The "Five Big Ideas" that we try to address during our literacy block are phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Our teachers follow the workshop model developed by Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP). More information about TCWRP

The reading workshop includes a variety of activities which include mini-lessons, read-alouds, shared reading, small group instruction, conferring, and independent reading. Teachers understand that writing is a process. Mini-lessons, shared writing activities, planning, independent writing and individual writing conferences are all parts of our writing workshop. Teachers encourage students to generate ideas and write about topics that interest them.

Teachers also follow the TC Units of Study in Phonics. More information about TC phonics  

Teachers College has adjusted its primary curriculum to place a greater emphasis on phonics instruction. In addition to leveled texts, teachers use decodable texts. The Jump Rope Readers were purchased for all K-2 classrooms.  More information about the Jump Rope Readers


Teachers have access to resources in addition to the materials provided by Teachers College.

The Heggerty program is available to strengthen students' phonemic awareness. More information about Heggerty

Zaner-Bloser is being used to teach handwriting. In pre-kindergarten, teachers use ABC, 123 Just For Me! to introduce prewriting and basic handwriting skills.  More information about Zaner-Bloser 

All students have access to RAZ-Kids, an online program that allows students to access eBooks in school and at home. More information about Raz-Kids

NYS ELA Standards PK-2