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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Welcome to  OOMPAH  
(Organization Of Music Parents At Hewlett-Woodmere)    
OOMPAH, Organization Of Music Parents At Hewlett-Woodmere, is a strong and supportive music parents organization that collaborates with the Hewlett-Woodmere Public School (HWPS) Music Department. Throughout the years, members of OOMPAH have served as chaperones on field trips, helped organize housing for guest artists and clinicians and assisted in fundraising. OOMPAH's membership has grown tremendously over the past few years and has become an important part of the HWPS music program.    
Please look for OOMPAH tables at HOMECOMING, the HHS and WMS Musicals,  and at all Winter, Spring and All-District Concerts where you can become a member of OOMPAH.      
Thank you for your support of  OOMPAH and the Hewlett-Woodmere students who participate in Music Department programming throughout the district's schools!    

Prior Music Directors' Scholarships

Please consider donating to our prior Music Directors' Scholarships!



President - Regina Ginzburg 

Treasurer - Allie Shalom

Membership - Amy Rabin

Social Media - Robin Bragin 

Central Council Rep - Rebecca Baum

HHS Rep - Laura Fratti

WMS Rep - Jeff Hsi

HES Rep - Shu Kong

OES Rep - Margarita Kuyenov, Wei Hu