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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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All About Art

Why Take Art?  
Learning to respond to, perform, and create works of art teaches children and young adults the skills, values, and habits of mind crucial to their assuming roles in our social, cultural and economic life.  Not only do the arts require self-discipline, creativity, and confidence to succeed, but these and other important habits stay with students and help them succeed in other areas of school, life, and work. Research shows the benefit of arts education: 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th grade students who reported a high level of instruction and participation in the arts showed higher levels of confidence about their own academics than did low arts children.
Click here for more information about the art courses offered in Hewlett-Woodmere. 
Andrew Fund, Ed.D.
Director of Art & Music Education
1 Johnson Place, Woodmere, NY 11598
(516) 792-4808 


Saadiq Alli- HHS  

Deirdre Chambers - WMS

Dana Crofts - Art/Music Secretary

Jennifer Csorba - HHS

Karen Cunningham - HHS  

Louise Edman - HES

Thomas Finn - OES/HHS  

Douglas LaChance - WMS Tech
Emily Lutz Machado - FECC/HHS  
Linda Mizel - WMS  

Messages can be left for elementary art teachers at the main office of your child’s school. A return call, by your child’s art teacher will be made as soon as possible.

Hewlett High School

Woodmere Middle School

Ogden Elementary School
Hewlett Elementary School

Franklin Early Childhood Center