Art & Music Education
Art & Music Overview
Why Take Art?
Learning to respond to, perform, and create works of art teaches children and young adults the skills, values, and habits of mind crucial to their assuming roles in our social, cultural and economic life. Not only do the arts require self-discipline, creativity, and confidence to succeed, but these and other important habits stay with students and help them succeed in other areas of school, life, and work. Research shows the benefit of arts education:
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who reported a high level of instruction and participation in the arts showed higher levels of confidence about their own academics than did low arts children.
10 general lessons the arts teach children:
- to make good judgments about qualitative relationships;
- that problems can have more than one solution;
- to celebrate multiple perspectives;
- that in complex forms of problem solving, purposes are seldom fixed, but change with circumstance and opportunity;
- that neither words in their literal form nor numbers exhaust what we can know;
- that small differences can have large effects;
- to think through and within a material;
- constructive ways to say what cannot be said; that the arts offer experience we can have from no other source; and
- that the arts' position in the school curriculum symbolizes to the young what adults believe is important.
source: Learning and the Arts: Crossing Boundaries, 2000,
p. 14, article: Ten Lessons the Arts Teach
Professor of Education Elliot Eisner
Stanford University
The Hewlett-Woodmere District Music Department is a comprehensive music education program for students in grades K-12. Since its inception, the Music Department has enjoyed tremendous growth and has been able to sustain student participation in both the elementary and secondary schools. One out of every three students in Hewlett-Woodmere is involved in its outstanding performing music program! Classroom music is being taught to every student in grades K-6, and is an important component to the music education philosophy.
Beginning in fourth grade, all students have the opportunity to become members of the Band, Orchestra and Chorus. They receive weekly lessons and can continue to do so throughout their careers in Hewlett-Woodmere. Once in middle school, students carry on their music instruction as members of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade performing music ensembles. Each grade has individual bands, orchestras and choruses. In addition, students may audition for a spot in the Select 8th Grade Choir, Chamber Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble. The tradition of excellence in music continues at the high school level where there is an in-depth music theory and music technology program. In addition, many of the groups have achieved award-winning recognition. The performing groups include: String and Chamber Orchestra, Treble Choir, Mixed Chorus, Concert Chorale and Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, Dance Team and Jazz Ensembles. The district has a strong Musical Theatre program which presents classic musicals from the past as well as some of the newest on Broadway. The high school music program has competed and performed at Disneyworld, Citi Field, Carnegie Hall and on stages across Quebec, Montreal and Toronto, Canada. The Concert Chorale has even performed throughout Italy and had the honor to sing at the Vatican in Rome!
The Music Department in Hewlett-Woodmere strives to provide unique performing opportunities and enriching educational experiences to all its students. Many thanks are owed to the community and school board who believe in the importance of a strong and vibrant Arts and Music program. Without their unwavering support, we would not be where we are today.
Art & Music Field Trip Scholarship Fund
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Andrew Fund, Ed.D.
Director of Art & Music Education
1 Johnson Place, Woodmere, NY 11598
(516) 792-4808