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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Responsibilities of the Board

Responsibilities of the Board  The Board is the official policy-making body of the school district. It is composed of seven members, elected by the public, who serve three-year terms of office without pay.

The Board of Education is responsible for the scope, depth and quality of education in the district. As elected officials, members:
  • define the philosophy of the district;
  • set goals and objectives to achieve desired educational progress;
  • select a superintendent;
  • employ professional educators to meet the goals;
  • establish policies for the operation of the school district;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of district programs and services;
  • develop a budget consistent with educational needs and community resources;
  • communicate the needs and progress of the district to the community, educational governing boards, and legislators.
You may write to the Board in care of the District Office, One Johnson Place, Woodmere, NY 11598 or e-Mail or fax - 374-8101.