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Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools

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Norms and Protocols

2023 – 2024

  1. Opportunities for the public to be heard at regular monthly meetings are provided twice during the meeting, once on agenda-related issues and once on non-agenda-related issues. If members of the public wish to have note of name and topic in the Recap and Minutes, they will submit a speaker's card to the District Clerk before the regular monthly meeting, during the announced break, or immediately before addressing the Board. 
  1. Comments and questions from the audience will be addressed to the Board President who will respond or recognize another Board member to respond or direct questions to, as appropriate, the Superintendent. Other administrators present at the meeting will not be expected to respond to questions from the public. The public will not poll the Board members and the Superintendent; Board members and the Superintendent will not poll the public.
  1. Members of the public who wish to speak on agenda items at work meetings are asked to submit a Speaker’s Card to the District Clerk prior to completion of the agenda item. Opportunity to speak will be provided at the end of each individual agenda item. If members of the public wish to have note of name and topic in the work meeting Recap, they will submit a speaker’s card to the District Clerk before addressing the Board.
  1. Each member of the audience may be limited to speak only once. Based upon the time and length of the agenda, the President will determine whether a time limit will be set per speaker, whether prior speakers on a topic may speak again, and whether comments from the public will be responded to by the Board or by the staff.
  1. BOE and Superintendent will not text, e-mail, or answer phones during regular meetings (barring medical or other emergency situations). Anyone who must use their cell phone is asked to please excuse themselves from the meeting room. The public will be asked to silence electronic devices.
  1. BOE and Superintendent will use surnames at all regular monthly meetings and special meetings. BOE prefers to use first names with each other at work meetings. 
  1. BOE members will report on BOE committee work and on salient conference/workshop/committee information. If written material is to be shared, it will be submitted to the District Clerk for distribution to the BOE and Superintendent. Reports on non-BOE committees will be delivered by the appropriate administrator.  All BOE committee agendas and minutes will be available to the public through the meeting portal on the District website. Any available agendas and minutes should be delivered in a timely manner to the District Clerk for posting.
  1. BOE members agree to address editing/errors in written material with the Superintendent allowing for correction before the meeting, if possible. 
  1. Communication/questions directed to the Superintendent from any BOE member will be shared with the Board President and Vice President. Entire BOE shall be copied in the Superintendent’s response.
  1. Communication received by the Board of Education will be directed to the District Clerk for acknowledgement and response by the Board President. Correspondence will be shared with the entire BOE and Superintendent.
  1. Board member suggestions for agenda items will be submitted to the Board President, Vice President and Superintendent prior to agenda setting meeting.
  1. The President will facilitate all discussions among BOE members.  All individuals at the table will raise hands to be recognized by the President. 

Approved July 5, 2023